How Are Dental Crowns Made?
A dental crown can be defined as a tooth-shaped cap or cover that dentists place over a tooth in order to cover it and restore its shape, strength as well as size. Dental crowns are likewise used to improve the appearance of disfigured and/or… more

Stainless Steel Crowns - A Complete and Definitive Guide
Dentists recommend stainless steel crowns for children, based on the condition and how badly is a tooth affected. To make you aware of them, here is an in-depth article that highlights its uses, restoration procedures, types of crowns a dentist… more

Dental Crowns For Your Front Teeth
Before we jump into the advantages of dental crown for your front teeth, let us rewind and start from the basics. While talking about teeth, they are made from the most durable material in the body - the enamel and can hold the ground for long… more

Temporary & Permanent Dental Glue For Crowns
What is permanent dental glue for crowns? Well, glue is the common term used for dental glue, and the permanent dental glue is the adhesive used for a fixed restoration that permanently attaches the abutment teeth with the crowns.

What are Pediatric Crowns?
In a recent Indian case, doctors removed 526 ‘teeth-like structures’ from a 7-year old boy’s mouth. Though this is a case of extreme health mysteries, having one or 2 or maybe 10 affected teeth is not a wonder.

Dental Caps vs Crowns: What Should You Know?
If you have been reading about dental crowns lately, then you might have come across the term “dental caps” as well. This might often make you wonder what they are. To make it clear and answer your questions, here is an in-depth article that… more

How Long Does A Dental Cleaning Take?
The process of dental cleaning involves removing tarter deposits and plaque, which have built up on your teeth over the years. If you are planning to get your teeth cleaned, then, you might want to know how long does a dental cleaning take and what… more

Dental Crowns Material: Which Is The Best For You?
A dental crown is a small, cap-like restoration, which covers a cracked or damaged tooth. It gives complete support to a badly broken or misshapen tooth, and replaces a missing tooth permanently to ensure that you have a beautiful smile. Now, when… more

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?
A dental crown is the covering, which fits over the existing tooth in order to make it appear and feel just as a normal tooth. It is often used whenever a tooth is damaged or cracked or lost its original structure.